I am the centre of a kaleidoscope.
My radius varies.
The axis remains the same.
If I turn, the entire outside changes.
All information will be rearranged.
Every movement reveals new complex correlations.
The outside is fleeting and chaotic.
I am the centre of a kaleidoscope.

Video and Sound: 2:30min
Dip Pen Drawing, Original Measurement: 150cm x 150cm, Ink on acid free Paper, 2023

The Conscience

Videoperformance and Music: 3:32min
Dip Pen Drawing, Diptych, original measurement each: 150cm x 98cm, ink and shellac ink on acid free paper, 2023
Background: The conscience is the inner lawyer of the individual. The lawyer defends decisions that have been made. It tells what is right or searches for minimisation when one has done something wrong.
Some decisions one makes have harsh consequences and can put one‘s existence in danger.

The Thread

If I held a thread in my hands as if it was lifetime, then this thread is divided into three sections: the past, the present and the future. They are lined up one after the other. No intermediate sections: three simple, clear facts.
Concept, Sound and Drawing: Ireen Zielonka
Camera: Dean Olofsson
Videoperformance and Music: 4:08min
Dip Pen Drawing, original measurement: 50cm x 98cm, ink on acid free paper, 2023

Fake Homes

Videoperformance and Music: 3:18min
Dip Pen Drawing, Diptych, original measurement each: 150cm x 98cm, ink and shellac ink on acid free paper, 2023

Fake Homes are developmental stages of personality. In our further development we are like caterpillars spinning a cocoon. The cocoons are then like a home, but the home is only useful for a certain time. Then you have to leave the transitional house.


Videoperformance and Music: 5:00min
Dip Pen Drawing, original measurement: 98cm x 178cm, ink on acid free paper

Une forme idéale

Performance and Sound: 5:05min 
Dip Pen Drawing, ink on acid free paper, 270cm x 98cm, 2023

Marseille, a portal to inhale

Dip Pen Drawing, Ink on acid free paper, 98cm x 200cm, 2023

The Moment

A Discovery of Timelessness and the Absence of Wind

Dip Pen Drawing, Ink on acid free paper, 300cm x 150cm, 2023
The Discovery of Timelessness – The Absence of Wind –
This short film was supported by the Spread Museum, Visual Arts Agency France VAAF, Alberto Torri, Maroussia Mbaye, Chiara Valci Mazzara and the wonderful inhabitants of Entrevaux. ©2021

Question Yourself

Dip Pen Drawing, Ink on acid free paper, Polyptych, 3 metres high x 9.80 metres wide, 2023

Soundscape: Question Yourself, 2023

I make the sound for two.
Who am I if not you?